If you knew that you are already equipped with the world's great reading acceleration device, would you learn how to train it. We'll you are, it's your hand and it will help you read faster. And people have spent thousands trying to increase reading speed and improve their comprehension. In less than one hour, we'll train you to coordinate your eyes for reading faster and your hand for pacing (a major speed reading technique), which will increase your reading speed 50% in minutes.
Do you have any idea what's happening with your eyes while you try to read? If you are just like others -- your eyes are jerking around, looking, search, kind of bouncing up and down, here and there. Fixating for a second or two and then moving on causing confusion - like 'where am I in this?' Or, 'what is this I've just read?'
We call this "trying" to read. By learning the speed-pacing movement that Ill personally teach you, you'll learn to control and accelerate your hand-to-eye coordination. This is called PACING. It is one of the 4 techniques taught in Speed Reading in Only One Hour.
Aim for the best results for the type of reading material you read, but creating the best person environments: arrange your study area: textbooks, research material, and even a hi-lighter. Remove or unplug: magazines, unless study material, stereo, radio- just turn them off. If you wise, you'll have an ipod with studio music without works, nature sounds or the like. Pachelbel Canon in D minor is one of the best. Get privacy, no brothers, sisters, friends, etc. And also remove you mate, spouse, lovers - they can easily distract you. Food can break your focus and reading patterns. Alcohol and drugs - don't even go there, being stoned and studying is a sure fire failure. Cigarettes fog your thinking. Nicotine is a drug. Marijuana, cocaine, speed - don't got there because your foggy brain is useless during an exam. Set your voice mail. Set the mood with relaxing baroque music, get your reading and studying materials together - and get ready for a study experience.
By organizing your study area, you've set the stage for a successful experience of study and learning. Using the tools that we'll provide you, you'll enjoy that you've found a great learning method to increase reading speed, comprehension, memory and recall. - 30224
Do you have any idea what's happening with your eyes while you try to read? If you are just like others -- your eyes are jerking around, looking, search, kind of bouncing up and down, here and there. Fixating for a second or two and then moving on causing confusion - like 'where am I in this?' Or, 'what is this I've just read?'
We call this "trying" to read. By learning the speed-pacing movement that Ill personally teach you, you'll learn to control and accelerate your hand-to-eye coordination. This is called PACING. It is one of the 4 techniques taught in Speed Reading in Only One Hour.
Aim for the best results for the type of reading material you read, but creating the best person environments: arrange your study area: textbooks, research material, and even a hi-lighter. Remove or unplug: magazines, unless study material, stereo, radio- just turn them off. If you wise, you'll have an ipod with studio music without works, nature sounds or the like. Pachelbel Canon in D minor is one of the best. Get privacy, no brothers, sisters, friends, etc. And also remove you mate, spouse, lovers - they can easily distract you. Food can break your focus and reading patterns. Alcohol and drugs - don't even go there, being stoned and studying is a sure fire failure. Cigarettes fog your thinking. Nicotine is a drug. Marijuana, cocaine, speed - don't got there because your foggy brain is useless during an exam. Set your voice mail. Set the mood with relaxing baroque music, get your reading and studying materials together - and get ready for a study experience.
By organizing your study area, you've set the stage for a successful experience of study and learning. Using the tools that we'll provide you, you'll enjoy that you've found a great learning method to increase reading speed, comprehension, memory and recall. - 30224
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