Best Christmas Toys For Toddlers

By James Perris

I have always found that picking out toys for toddlers is so so much fun. Other people find it extremely difficult and I am not here to argue either way. You may not be having deep conversations with your child that is from 1 to 3 years old, but they do "talk" in their own unique way. What I can honestly say is that it's extremely fun to shop for them and pick out gifts that make them smile and giggle.

Toddlers love to touch, taste, smell, see, and feel their toys. I know you don't like the taste part. Ya gotta get over that part because they are going to do it when you are not looking. That is why the toys are always too big to stick in their mouths. Just make sure that the toys stimulate their senses!

Toddlers are excellent at communicating with their body language. It comes natural for them. More out of survival than anything else. If you pay close enough attention to your toddler, you will be able to understand more from him or her than you do from a teenager who has the ability to talk but only grunts!

Bring them to your local toy store or Walmart and test this out. Your kids will start pulling toys off the shelves and playing with them. Don't be surprised if they choose something for an older aged child. The recommended ages are just guidelines. Do keep in mind that some of the guidelines are for safety and this will be stated on the packaging.

Whenever we had social functions like going to church or parties, my wife and I usually took notice of what our kids were playing with. We used this method to purchase gifts later on. Our kids always acted so surprised when we presented them with gifts that they had played with before. My kids must have thought that we are super smart. Actually, it's just a matter of being a spy on their wants and desires. My wife even hid toys that my 2 boys had discarded in the closest or under the bed because they were bored with them. She recycled them several months later and the kids were so excited and thought they were new toys! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

Now let's get down to the nitty gritty. You have done all your hands on research and you still are a little unsure. Being a parent, I can relate. What I found far more convenient than letting my toddlers go "hands on" for Christmas toy selection, is to go online to and read the consumer reviews. Customers at Amazon are not allowed to write a product review unless they have purchased the product they are writing about. Amazon has both good and poor reviews. I think they only censor reviews that are "G" rated to read. The reviews are powerful and real.

Free shipping and deep discounts are a huge benefit to shopping online at major retailers like Amazon or Walmart. If buy more than $25, shipping is usually included.

Additionally, most have a 100% satisfaction guarantee with certain restrictions. What I mean is if your toddler really hates the gift and it's not broken, chewed on, or full of sticky candy, then you most likely can return the product. If the toy looks used and ready for the scrap pile, then you own it and most likely your toddler was thrilled with it. I never said that toddlers were perfect!

The classic wood toys are things that you should not forget. They are time tested and will never break. We have wood puzzles, Thomas The Trains, and a bunch of other things that my kids never tire of. Our oldest is 9 and he still plays with the Thomas trains. When our boys were ages 1 and 3, they spent hours building and destroying train stations. Toys like these are have survived the test of time. Just about everything you buy today is plastic and breakable. What you buy today will most likely not be around next Christmas unless it's a wood classic toy.

This is what I suggest for the classic wood toys for toddlers:

Stacking rings. A true old time favorite. Six smooth rainbow-colored rings are stacked in any order and topped with a large red ball.

Magnetic Stacking Train. Let 'em build the train and take it apart all day! Toddlers love the magnets. It's like magic for them. Mix the blocks around and stack them in imaginative ways - feel the fun way that the magnetic pieces stick together or repel each other.

Given time, I could write a book on this subject. However, it's more fun to watch and interact with your own kids. Every parent has a story to tell that is unique to their family. Just remember to spend quality time with kids and be really interested in what they are doing. This will gain you more mileage in parenting than any other gift. - 30224

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