Essential Questions to Help You Find a Nanny

By Rashel Dan

If you are trying to find a nanny, you will soon realize that it is not an easy task. Looking for a nanny entails several considerations. You have more to consider than just a persons capabilities to watch over kids. You also need to be sure that the person you hire will not put your kids in any form of danger. One way to get a good nanny is to ask the right questions when you interview applicants.

Can you tell me a little bit about your experience working with kids?

Experience in babysitting matters a lot. One of the most basic questions relates to an applicants experience. Some people without experience may still end up good nannies. Some families though really do need nannies with prior work experience. This is particularly true if you have kids that are quite a handful. Aside from possible baby sitting experience, you could also consider individuals who may have worked with kids in another setting such as in classrooms, nurseries or day care.

Do you have additional training relevant to this job you are applying for?

A potential nanny does not have to be enrolled in a nanny school. There are however some skills that potential nannies should have to ensure the safety of your kids. This would include training in first aid, emergency response and CPR. In case there are emergencies or accidents, you would want a nanny who can give the right initial response.

Why do you want to become a nanny?

You would want to find a nanny who is naturally inclined to the job. Asking this question will reveal a lot about an applicants motivation and character. Although it is understood that applicants are in it for the extra cash, you would most likely be more comfortable with persons who also naturally love to be with kids. This is after all, the only acceptable reason why good applicant would want to work as nannies and not as waitresses or fast food service crew.

What do you believe is the proper way of disciplining kids?

Find out what her methods are in handling kids. It is important to find out if a nanny shares the same beliefs as you regarding discipline. You would want your nanny's methods to be consistent with yours. Moreover, you would also want to know if your nanny has tendencies to become to severe or too physical when it comes to discipline.

How did you handle difficulties in your former job?

Kids are naturally curious and active. Thus, many kids are not very easy to handle. It is not uncommon for nannies to encounter problems with handling kids. It would be a good idea to ask applicants about such difficult experiences and how they dealt with it. This will give you a clue if a potential nanny has the creativity, patience and determination to manage kids.

What are you presently doing?

Being currently employed means having other responsibilities. It is crucial to know if your applicant some form of employment at present. Some individuals do keep more than one job. You wouldnt need to worry if an applicant has a part time job on the hours that wouldnt conflict with the time that you need her. It would be a problem though if your nanny has side jobs that she might consider performing while watching over your kids.

Although these may be simple questions that you may not always think of asking, these are essential if you want to find a nanny. There are many other questions you might want to consider. What is important is to make sure that you do perform a comprehensive applicant interview. - 30224

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