How Our Society Can Truly See People Instead of Labels

By Chet McDoniel

How can we make our world a happier place? Would our world be different if we saw each other as humans before we saw labels? Is it possible to appreciate someone for what's on the inside rather than the way they look on the outside? Only if we see people as human beings instead of labels.

My so-called "handicapped" body (seeing as how I don't have arms) allows me to watch how society acts around people with special needs. As an Inspirational Speaker, I often get to tell my audiences that society sees me as handicapped way before it sees me as a person.

My 18 month old daughter recently learned that she could hold my left foot while I drive my powered wheelchair with my right foot. She does this when told and sometimes just for fun. She can hold on to me so that she stays save in crowded areas.

My daughter sees me as her daddy, and it has not yet occurred to her that I am different in any way. She sees right through my outer shell, and sees me as her protector and her dad. That simply amazes me as I seldom see such unconditional, blind love.

One of my favorite presentations to give is on seeing others as human beings, full of potential, rather than classifying them with restricting labels. Political correctness has determined that our old labels are no longer appropriate due to changes in society. While making sure we don't hurt feelings is a good step to take, I often feel that we are missing the bigger picture.

How about labels. What if we viewed people as people instead of what they looked like, smelled like, acted like, etc? Get the idea? Then, political correctness could die away because we wouldn't need to classify. Instead of categorizing people, and thus limiting their potential, we could see the deep potential inside of them. Everyone could be equals.

The answer, we would have a peaceful, loving society. Instead of going to war over labels, we would see the enemy as humans. Instead of quibbling over the money that we have earned, we would see the homeless as humans, and desire to help. So, try it today. Instead of seeing an African-American, handicapped, or poor person, try seeing a human instead...and see if that changes your prespective! - 30224

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