Our Love For The Locket Necklace

By Jo Archibald

For the possessors of a locket necklace, it is something that is considered as a very personal piece of jewelry. Locket necklaces were used way back for many years and throughout those years, they were worn for a lot of different reasons. They are commonly related with the pendants sported on a chain, but they are also frequently used on a ring too.

Many years ago, the locket was considered as a thing for storage. They wore lockets to bring along with them important things without the inconvenience of carrying it. There were also some times that it served as fade for something dangerous inside it.

There were also people who believed in charms, magic formula and herbs to drive away evil and illness, also used lockets. People before also used them to place the ashes or hair of the deceased beloved, together with the other items, as memento.

The tiny picture that was painted by hand was often put inside the lockets. The little pictures were done by a master in painting, and even if the work was very dull and monotonous, the outcomes of the paintings were always very beautiful.

Even more, it can serve as storage for a loved ones' hair or ashes. There were also other keepsakes that were placed in it as long as the locket can contain. The real purpose of the locket always depended on the wearer. The most common use of the locket was the placing of a picture inside it. Back then, placing the picture is a very tedious task to do. It can also require a delicate and exquisite design. With this, it required an expert to do the designing of this jewelry beautifully and perfectly.

It is during the Victorian era that the use of this piece of jewelry was pervasive. It did not just serve as a piece of accessory. It also served as a storage piece just like the older days considered it to be. The most fashionable and elegant design that was considered for a locket was the heart design.

A way that these lockets were customized was to design them with a monogram.

At present, the locket is still available in many styles. Though the production of it has changed a bit, it is still done with the great attention that it always had. Making this piece of jewelry is always delicate as it had been long time ago.

If you want to buy lockets, you can still do so and they have more styles now given that the technology used to make them are so improved compared to the past eras. You can use them as a gift for your loved ones. - 30224

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